Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Turtle - Who Knows

"Could it be a new revolution or could it be nothing at all"

I am really enjoying Turtle. This spin, Who Knows, is really quite wonderful. Another British punter who seems to be speaking directly to my soul. I think I was born in the wrong place sometimes. I feel so connected to these boys in The UK and Australia. Well this World Wide Web has let me find my soul brothers out there and I couldn't be more thankful. I mean really you have to listen to this spin. It's powerful, it's like a message found in a bottle, it's the reason I listen to a lot of bad spins so I can find treasures like this to share with you. I don't want this spin to end and then, wow, it's over. Did I miss something? Did I hear it as it went by in a flash? This is definitely one spin your going to want to repeat and then repeat again to catch what Turtle is telling us. Yup, I am enjoying this spin.