Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Keep Shelly In Athens

Keep Shelly In Athens - Addictions

Now how did that happen. I have noticed that I have become a big fan of Keep Shelly In Athens. I knew I liked them. I was thinking I even posted them and so I went and looked and, wow, sure enough I have posted Recollection and Flyway but how did I miss that. I feel like something slipped through my fingers. Here I have them in my back pocket, I keep pulling them out and I love everything I hear from them but they are always new to me. It's as if I have this Keep Shelly angel looking after me but I keep, well, missing them. I mean, listen to this Addictions, it's incredible! I think they give me such joy that I have to block out their existence to keep my sanity. Im glad they won't let me go though. I'm going to have to write something down so I won't forget that I really like this band.