Thursday, October 10, 2013

Shivum Sharma

Shivum Sharma - Flicker

"The power of you it drifted into me"

This is just beautiful. Shivum Sharma is new to me and I am loving it. "Dave you love everything" I heard you say. Well this is my blog so I'm not going to post things I don't like and most often I'm going to post the things that I love. Flicker is easy to love. It's simply beautiful. This young punter from the UK who wrote and produced this amazing spin did it alone in his bedroom. That's why it's labeled bedroom demo. That's crazy. What a talent. This young man is unbelievable and this spin is incredible. I can't wait to hear more from him. He is just starting and I hope he continues to let us join him on his musical journey. It's going to be fun.