"You can not acknowledge all the thing we did in college"
Rogue Wave spins us to College. I loved college and now I have a bunch of young girls in my life who have started college. I hope they have as much fun as I did. Well, maybe not as much but certainly a real good time while they are chasing that sheep skin. This spin took me right back to that dorm, those friends and those wonderful lovers who showed me the way. Those nights up late studying. Those early mornings dragging into class. It was the time of my life. Now if you stay up to late, drink some water and a couple of aspirins before you go to bed. Don't hit that snooze to much, just get up, shower and go to class. It's why your there. And if you get the chance, fall in love every time. This is such a great spin to transport me back to a time I still dream about. (Sigh) How fun is that?